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Thanks for reading! I've been working on this for a while now, and honestly it's one of those projects I hoped to someday bring to completion, so finishing it is a huge weight off of my chest. 

Any feedback is appreciated. :)

(This comic is now publicly available to all my Patreon patrons. I'll be making a downloadable PDF for those who support at the $5 and above level.)




This is absolutely gorgeous work!! I ADORE this! Incredible twist and awesome revelations, not to mention the dramatic angles and use of color. This is the kind of story that i'd watch as a movie, or read a full book about.

Caleb Elliott

This is why I love D&D, and will never stop playing it.


THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I saw the first half on tumblr long ago and was so intrigued, and the full story is so good!!!


HOLY HECKING CHAIN OF EXPLITIVES I WON'T WRITE HERE. Amazing. Stunning. Absolutely wonderful. It seriously made me cry. I have a whole slough of people I wanna share this with. /Please/ tell us when it's posted publicly and when it continues. I want to read all about him. What a precious creature. Gosh!!!


Ahhh thank you so much for the kind words! I'll probably punish this publicly a little later, but I currently have no plans to continue it. It'll have to be something that stands on its own until I get extra free time (which unfortunately may be... Never.)


Wow, what an origin story! I have a Wild Magic Sorcerer myself, I think building the origins of where it came from is pretty cool, cos it can LITERALLY BE ANYTHING! Her story is still in progress, but what our DM's hinted at so far is pretty cool. Eating a dragon Rimuru-style though, that's awesome!


That's awesome! I love wild magic sorcery too, for the same reasons. :) Best of luck to your character on her journey!

Jacob Brown

So intense, and the crazy plot twist! I loved the style, the color usage in your story was beautiful. It’s stand alone in itself and that makes it amazing. Love it💙


Beautiful!!! I love everything you did here with the different styles, and color, and the story is lovely!

Marcello Pellegrino

That's so nice, it's based on your character, right?


Your writing is so compelling and I loved all the depictions of chaos and magic; so unique and cool!! When I saw that you had posted a full comic, I waited until I could get my hands on my laptop so I could view it full-size in all its glory ✨


The world needs more of Greyscales tale! Ok, maybe that’s just me.


MY HEART. Kobolds always fill me with such joy— they're easily my favorite D&D race. And this little fellow has always been one of my very favorite kobolds, ever since I saw the first half of this story. But the second half was so sad and heartfelt, I just can't take it! I need him to go out and find new friends who care for him and love him and accept him for who he is.

Noell S.

What a wonderful character!