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So here’s the deal. I don’t know wHY I started this, because it’s a huge undertaking and I have limited time AS IS but you should know how I am by now.

I’ve seen tons of ideas for SU gem builds that are adopted into DnD 5e or other RPG systems, but I’ve not seen a lot of people putting out any sort of comprehensive rules aside from add-ons to 5e or alter-system builds for fusion mechanics.

And not that this isn’t incredible (if you’re curious about those, check out Fusion) but I wanted to build something a little more all-encompassing.

So here is FACETS - a ttrpg system based on DnD 5e which will include basic rules, environmental rules, character sheets, gem builds for gems that recurred in the show, gem building rules for OC gems NOT mentioned in the show, Fusion rules and mechanics AND Poofing/Reforming/Cracking rules for gems.

Where can you get this? Currently, nowhere. I’m in the middle of writing it and trying to create a first Rough Draft to put out into the world as a free-for-all accessible Google Doc. It will be made available on my Patreon first and foremost, and THEN, if all goes well, there will be a finalized version with a PDF that is prettier, with illustrations. 

Both the draft versions and the later, pretty version will be provided for free to my Patrons (I haven't decided which tier yet, sorry.) and I plan to create a Patreon-exclusive Discord to chat about the rules as I work on them, edit things based on play-tests and take suggestions from the audience. 

For now the rules aren't done, and the Discord is not public, but I wanted to gauge a reaction from any of you folks following me - if this seems cool, or something you'd be interested in (not even to buy, just to follow, potentially playtest) please give this a like or a comment! 

I'm currently really invested in this, and all of my free time not spent on WD!AU, or my day job, or my Patreon requests, or my personal portfolio comic, or other stuff goes into this!



Kimberly Czerniewski

Oh man I know my DM would love this and I would love playing with it!!!

Jack Scott (edited)

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2021-09-07 09:46:37 I would *love* to play this. Me and most of my D&D group love SU
2021-09-02 21:08:10 I would *love* to play this. Me and most of my D&D group love SU

I would *love* to play this. Me and most of my D&D group love SU

ZaffreFennec (A. DeLonay)

Chekov you madman! You'll bury yolurself with all these projects. Still, I am HYPED to see how this shakes out!


Huh. I guess I have a reason now to stop being a defiant 3/3.5 grog and check out 5e.


First reaction. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I WANT IT. This is going to be very cool and I'm excited to see how it pans out, no matter how long it takes. I love ttrpgs and I've been thinking of integrating some SU stuff into my dnd campaign for a while now. I would very much like to help with discussion and development whenever you start taking suggestions




Speaking as part of a community that thinks that 5e is serviceable but otherwise a poor choice, I'd like to recommend thinking of other rulesets. 5e's rules are built very specifically for long-form campaigns centered around class improvement. SU feels like it would benefit more from something like PtbA, or a wholly original ruleset. The show's themes are much more narrative than mechanic, and not easily modeled to something as abstract as "levels". Feel free to contact me, if you choose to try maybe going for a different ruleset. I honestly think basing off 5e would do the game a disservice.


Sounds cool


Love the idea and very excited to see more about it!


That's a perfectly valid opinion to have, and I imagine there will be many people who will think the same way as you. Speaking as someone who likes d20 systems and long form campaigns, I disagree. I know about PbtA and I personally am just not a fan of their dice mechanics. That's all there is to my choice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's nothing personal, but this is a passion project, not a commercial one, so I'll be doing what I personally want. I think it would be cool if there were other alternatives, though, and I'd love to see you go on and develop your own SU ttrpg on your own terms. 👍🏻


For FREE? I was about to slam down cash.


This sounds really amazing!!


This sounds amazing. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you reached out to Rebecca Sugar and they gave the go-ahead to go ahead and make this official. I would love to play this.


This sounds awesome! I'd definitely be interested in play testing


I am definitely excited for this! I mean, you're definitely insane for taking on even more work, but I'm happy to benefit from your insanity.

Julie van der Staak (edited)

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2021-09-07 09:46:35 Oh I'd love this, my D&D party members aren't into SU unlike me but I'm so fond of character creation.
2021-09-03 00:05:58 Oh I'd love this, my D&D party members aren't into SU unlike me but I'm so fond of character creation.

Oh I'd love this, my D&D party members aren't into SU unlike me but I'm so fond of character creation.


Sounds cool


I will throw my wallet at this so fast but definitely get a good handful of amazing helpers. game design can burn someone out


Um this absolutely sounds cool!!!! I cant write or create so Ive been looking for su dnd stuff for so long!!!!

MystiqueMikikyu (edited)

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2021-09-07 09:46:35 As someone who was never been able to play D&D and that loves SU and character creation/designing as well, this insterests me in so many levels. Can't wait to see it!!!
2021-09-03 05:34:34 As someone who was never been able to play D&D and that loves SU and character creation/designing as well, this insterests me in so many levels. Can't wait to see it!!!

As someone who was never been able to play D&D and that loves SU and character creation/designing as well, this insterests me in so many levels. Can't wait to see it!!!


I can bring it to my group to play test.




Great idea and I'd buy it

Chloe Wright

oh EXTREMELY exciting!

Khiari (edited)

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2021-09-07 09:46:34 OMG I would totally build a Gem in D&D!!! We got our DM into Steven Universe, I can see him building Gem NPCs :D
2021-09-03 23:55:36 OMG I would totally build a Gem in D&D!!! We got our DM into Steven Universe, I can see him building Gem NPCs :D

OMG I would totally build a Gem in D&D!!! We got our DM into Steven Universe, I can see him building Gem NPCs :D


Absolutely!! I really want to start GMing for my friend group, and an SU themed system is right up our alley!

Eliza-Azalea, Maid of Heart

My brain had the kneejerk reaction of "no, 5e has too much punch and not enough feels" but honestly, as many hang-ups as I have about d20 games, there's no reason a supplementary ruleset couldn't work around that as long as the designer has a handle on the themes of SU. Like, for example, someone with a prominent long standing AU comic. *hype intensifies*


I have run into a lot of people who seem to be hesitant about d20 systems because they're techy! I'll definitely try to find a way to alleviate that, but I've personally played plenty of DnD that ended up being really intense in the RP department so I'm not entirely sure where the sentiment is coming from... 🤔 Do people honestly feel like the mechanics get in the way of the feels?? I'm legitimately curious about your opinion on it!

Eliza-Azalea, Maid of Heart (edited)

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2021-09-07 09:46:34 It's less that the mechanics of a typical d20 game inhibit role playing and more that they aren't built around role-playing. Any system can allow for role playing because that's all provided by the people actually playing, but generally speaking a social encounter is dictated by one, maybe two ability checks. Whereas combat is a grand affair that can take hours depending on how many players there are. The numbers that matter for punching don't necessarily matter for talking (except wisdom is good for everything and there are more charisma based casters than int-based ones). This makes sense for a D&D game because it was spawned from a war miniatures game. Nothing wrong with that, but when a system favors one set of mechanics over another it's reasonable to expect players to gravitate towards the more developed mechanics. Games like Thirsty Sword Lesbians incorporate the role-playing by giving players character-specific benefits to their Figure Someone Out roll (they get to ask a question relevant to their playbook, even if they fail). I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to stop here. Thanks for reading and I hope this helped
2021-09-04 19:14:08 It's less that the mechanics of a typical d20 game inhibit role playing and more that they aren't built around role-playing. Any system can allow for role playing because that's all provided by the people actually playing, but generally speaking a social encounter is dictated by one, maybe two ability checks. Whereas combat is a grand affair that can take hours depending on how many players there are. The numbers that matter for punching don't necessarily matter for talking (except wisdom is good for everything and there are more charisma based casters than int-based ones). This makes sense for a D&D game because it was spawned from a war miniatures game. Nothing wrong with that, but when a system favors one set of mechanics over another it's reasonable to expect players to gravitate towards the more developed mechanics. Games like Thirsty Sword Lesbians incorporate the role-playing by giving players character-specific benefits to their Figure Someone Out roll (they get to ask a question relevant to their playbook, even if they fail). I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to stop here. Thanks for reading and I hope this helped

It's less that the mechanics of a typical d20 game inhibit role playing and more that they aren't built around role-playing. Any system can allow for role playing because that's all provided by the people actually playing, but generally speaking a social encounter is dictated by one, maybe two ability checks. Whereas combat is a grand affair that can take hours depending on how many players there are. The numbers that matter for punching don't necessarily matter for talking (except wisdom is good for everything and there are more charisma based casters than int-based ones). This makes sense for a D&D game because it was spawned from a war miniatures game. Nothing wrong with that, but when a system favors one set of mechanics over another it's reasonable to expect players to gravitate towards the more developed mechanics. Games like Thirsty Sword Lesbians incorporate the role-playing by giving players character-specific benefits to their Figure Someone Out roll (they get to ask a question relevant to their playbook, even if they fail). I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to stop here. Thanks for reading and I hope this helped

Vincent Rather

Hey, If you ever are looking for a player for some of that play testing grab me yo. I'm 100% down to try a thing like this.


It did! It's definitely given me something to consider. I can't say my approach is the same, but it's good to know other people's opinions!


Yes!!! This will be so awesome to follow and read about!!


This sounds so cool! Unfortunately the fusion link doesn't work for me tho:(