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Sloooowly but surely moving the plot onward. 

Thanks for reading, guys! I am trying to get back into the swing of things without messing up my shoulder again. Hopefully I'll have time to build up a significant buffer while keeping you all entertained. :)




The plot thickens...


Pew pew


I love the mood of this!!


Steven freaking me out staring at Jasper like that. It ain't worth it sweatyyyy


Huh. In theory, Pink could reveal her identity to Jasper to get her loyalty after finding out her sole motivation then commanding her silence. Or Steven could panic and puppet her after an attempted interrogation, freaking out Rose and Earl. That would certainly be the more dramatic version.


very good chapter


Perhaps Jasper would know.


I love the sweater Earl made!


Also please do take it easy there! Don't push your body too hard. You don't want to damage anything!


Friendship Mode Steven GO! Also don't sweat the schedule! Take care of yourself! We just love your content and even if you posted an imperfect circle I'd come over here and go "IS THAT A NEW GEM???" XD Also THE PLOT! WITH JASPER! AND I LOVE EARL WITH STEVEN'S HOODIE WHEN HE'S CHILLY!


The reflection of the Corrupted in Rose’s eyes at the mention of the loyalist evacuation “battle” is a nice touch I missed the first time. I wanted to see the burning marshmallow as foreshadowing or something, but I think its just a detail to maintain Steven’s childish nature and differ the Burning Room meeting from the campfire one. Also, no way CG doesn’t have at least one more hidey hole. Kids don’t share all their secrets with their parents…

SlightlyEmbittered Productions

I guess canon Steven's house hides the light of the warp pad. But in this world. Bellybutton Lighthouse.

username901000 .

Ooo, that was a nice way to end an episode. We had the characters sort of finish their immediate conversation, so that feels like a satisfying conclusion, but we have been teased with possiblities - not an immediate cliff hanger, but possibilities. I like that.

username901000 .

Also I like how pearl and Earl are standing close to eachother like comrades. I don't know if it was intentional, but to me, that body language very much gives a feeling that they've become more conformable being around eachother

username901000 .

Oh I do hope we get to see Rose's reaction to jasper yelling about the death of pink diamond

Grace Rathburn

Is a marshmallow eating another marshmallow cannibalism ?


I have to say: It has been a joy to watch your art go from "That's pretty good, almost as good as the show!" to "Damn, this art's as good as the show!" to "Holy shit, canon-SU wishes it's art was this on point!"


"Ask White Pearl and Steven" is legit the most beautiful and well crafted piece of Steven Universe media out there I've seen. Don't push yourself! Better slower art for 50 years than lots of art for 5!


По превью можно понять, что Стивен, таки, просверлит взглядом пузырь Яшмы, а она ему поможет (прямо или косвенно) найти сбежавших Перидот и Ляпис. И меня это несказанно радует, ибо в сериале даже у треклятого Рональдо было больше экранного времени, чем у неё


Но это не точно 😄 я думаю, что Яшма далеко не сразу станет помогать, если вообще станет

Victoria Goodwin

Take your time, Chekhov! It's all 10/10 uwu