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Postin' this comic early - it's not a spoiler or anything, nor does it really have a whole ton to do with the current plotline. I just thought it was a good question that deserved a thorough answer. I will likely publish it on tumblr/tapas at a later time, when I need to insert a break for myself or something.

I understand this is a prickly topic and may leave some people wanting more - in general, this is just how I personally headcanon things! I know the show never addresses the whole Homeworld Unanimously Speaks English - which is fine, it's a kids' cartoon! But I think there is a whole lot of cool exploration to do in Gem Culture and Gem Linguistics. As they say in fandom... it may not be that deep, but the earth is soft and I'm ready to dig!





Julie van der Staak

Oh boy, I just subscribed to your Patreon and just got notified of this! I love how Amethyst low key implies it's a good thing Dewey's grandpa just kicked the bucket.


This is really cool! I could totally see Gem language following that kind of structure, and as a result Gems going "oh English only has three different pronouns for sentient beings? wow that's so easy!" haha


love it


This is a prickly topic? I must live under a rock or something then. Exploring fictional cultures and how they relate with modern human cultures as well as the interactions between the cultures is generally a fun topic.


Fantastic 😎


Has Amethyst always had that armpit hair? If so, neat. I don't usually see females drawn with hair anywhere other than their head, which is a shame, because that doesn't reflect women in real life. Awesome detail.


Yeah, this is a good explanation, this is now my headcanon 😌


Oh man. Gender be weird, y'all. PS - I feel like I just did this whole gender vs biological sex talk as part of an explanation on a fanfiction I wrote so I totally get going down that rabbit hole. I loved your explanation - leaves some flexibility but also helps give meaning to why they do 'she' and also have their own pronoun system.


Fantastic conversation about cultural boundaries and gender /categorizing living peoples. Love this. ❤️


I like the referencing of the Sumerians, and implied accidental racism of Gems.


Isn’t it implying Pearl killed him, and they were able to bullshit that he died of old age?


Could be cool to follow up and have steven asks earl about pronoun preferences


So when does this take place? Pearl implies Steven is human, and Steven indicates he thinks he’s a Gem. Unless Pearl had a slip, Pink having uncharacteristically confided her suspicions about him Fusing with Connie?


When Pearl refers to "you humans" she's not speaking to Steven, she's talking to the audience/the asker :)


wonderfully tasty, what an exquisite hc


I have puzzled over this in my head a few times and honestly you did a way better job than I've ever done with it internally. I love this, and I think it's my new HC.

Victoria Goodwin

dang, that felt like way more than just a bonus! more like a whole chonkin LESSON, and it makes you really think about the human irl side of things too. :o (btw looove Pearl's expressions here, and love that Amethyst doesn't have,,,clean-shaven pits? if "shave" even applies...does she shave, does she shave for fun, does she just retract the hair as she pleases hfdghdfsh


Love Steven’s cheeky little grin when he says “Gemders, if you will.” White Steven has had fewer chances to grin like that and I relish every time he does.


Sumerian? Have you been watching spirit science😅😅😅😅


I have no idea what that is 🤔 but Sumerian is a real language that was spoken around the time period the gems came to earth! Geographically it's not quite a match for Pink's arrival spot, but I'm sure she and Pearl got around!