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... Thank you for reading! :D

Big lore dump with this one. There are many things to ponder over, I'm sure.

This chapter was ridiculously long, but I felt like breaking it up would be wrong. Therefore, on the public side I'll be taking a lil break. On the Patreon side... HA! You know me better than that.

While you yell about what this all means, may I interest you in Sending Steven an Ask? Specifically because you all, as Patrons, have access to this episode early, I'd love to give myself a head start on the next chapter. :) 




holy *frick* 💎




Whelp I guess you can say greg got probed by aliens.


oh my GOSHHH really great episode


one: her design... the space dress... the EYELINER... stunning. two: audibly gasped when i saw the last to panels. holy MOLY three: you posted this right as i got up for work and now my whole day is gonna be thinking about this. youre such a good storyteller, like holy cow


Ah! Great stuff! Minor typos: "Famous musician isn't happy with is life" is -> his "I've been extremely lucky to have mave it this far" mave -> made

Res the Jackal

Wow, so many questions! Noticed that she only smiled when Greg mentioned he wasn't happy and was looking for something else (also, i think you're missing an H in "his extremely great life"). Seems kind of like a Deal With the Devil situation.

Ineffably Liliana



HHHH QUARTZ WHITE DESIGN AT LAST... AND I WAS NOT READY FOR IT what a clever design oh my goshhhh


Thank you for catching those! I swear I read through it, and yet, every time... 😅

Callisto LaCorte

there's one panel where you accidentally said "through" instead of "though". also will we ever get a full design sheet for white?

Callisto LaCorte

if it'll load i can check ok second panel you wrote "through it might be for the best"


Holy crap. Stunning chapter. One thing though, pretty sure "examplary" is spelled "exemplary"!


Poor Greg!!!! He’s been through an awful lot, I’m glad he’s got Rose now and a (relatively) quiet life in Beach City.


Wonder What she called herself


Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THAT YEAR!


What if White Diamond figured out how to give Steven life without giving up her life, plot twist. Also, love White's Quartz form, now she's hot even if she is not the best person. Also, it seems like she has been looking for a particular human and Greg fit the bill. I think she's been planning to make Steven for a while.


Woah.... theres a lot of implications here and I'm excited




oooooooh! the plot thickens!


I think this is absolutely perfect. Title, Marty interaction, song... It validates canon Greg in a new way too. I wish the two of them could meet and talk about these different paths. I swear when [mystery gem] showed up I could /hear/ that Diamond background synth drop like when we meet Canon White Diamond for the first time. I could spend five or six paragraphs breaking down every element of this character design and how awesome it is. This new character gives off vibes of "The Chanteuse" in a wonderful Film Noir way with that glittery dress, opera gloves, hair over the eye. I want to see her laying on a piano and singing while Greg plays. The choice is so apt considering the era that inspired WD's outfit in the show! The ship. THE SHIP.


Oh god Greg was alien abducted (again)! Why does him going after White as a rebound kinda give me a Pearl crushing on the mystery girl from the show vibe lol. God this chapter so good but now I have sooooo many questionssss


This was great! We finally got some answers. And I loved the ship hidden in plain sight.


Poor Greg just can't not get kidnapped by giant space women. Jesus, I'm not sure what I was expecting from White Diamond's 'disguise' (or if she'd even have one), but this... A+ Character design. Haunting and Striking.


Okay, have spent some time digesting this, and trying to figure out just exactly what White is up to here. I'm working from the presumption that White Diamond is fully aware of everything Pink got up to. For whatever reason, she's decided to come to Earth and just sort of... Kick it around and try and figure out just what about it made Pink go do what's to her a little tantrum sulk.


Normally I can wait a week for these updates on Tapas/Tumblr but this time I just couldn't! So glad I subscribed: this was everything & more that I was hoping for!! This AU is so clever and well crafted. White diamond's disguise is just as Beachfox said: haunting. Literally could not stop thinking about this and had to leave a comment ghghdh


That was obviously White Diamond, and she kidnapped him for a little lovin'. Hah! you punk lol!