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Two idiots... sitting at the fountain... not communicating. :) 

Really enjoyed drawing Lion in this one.




*picks up Rose and Steven and shakes them upside down until their trauma falls out*


Of course, that family isn't communicating. :p At the same time, it seems like this was what Rose needed to hear.

Ineffably Liliana

I think this is one of my favorite strips so far


Lion holding all the brains.


I am screaming right now, I can't even remember how long it's been since I sent in that question!!! Loving this season so far ❤


I really like this actually


Ugh two idiots forreals but this was so cute and sweet 😫 If they don’t actually air out their problems I hope they at least have more huge bc everyone needs hugs


On one hand, no progress is made directly. But on the other, Steven has a deeper understanding of Pink and she has the fact she can trust him cemented further.


Lion expressions on-point! Ahh, the classic trope of no one actually communicating with each other cos feels... People diss it for its overuse, but don't realize how much it actually happens IRL 🤣

Victoria Goodwin

lololol the description "two idiots..." etc XD Man, I have super trouble with this kind of thing when I write. Being like, this iconic character...how would they feel rn??? That's an intimidating thing to try to get right :'O AND I FEEL LIKE YOU GOT IT SO RIGHT UGH, THIS FEELS VERY CORRECT. Poor Rose. I love her more here than I ever did in canon. Anyway 10/10


Oooof. That was like the equivalent of "the test" for canon!steven.

Lizzy B

Ooooo, the "what would they think if they saw me like this" parallel with Rose's Scabbard's "sometimes I wonder if she can see me through your eyes...what would she think of me now" AAAAAH