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More temple adventures! Sorry this was quite late... I drew up a whopping 20 panels of another version of this episode... then realized it was NOT the best moment to use them, and ended up having to start over. 





This was a really good episode! I enjoyed this little exchange between Steven and Garnet, especially after he was just brushed off by the others.


Steven needs new shoes


I wonder if Rose is going to tell her little secret to Steven in the next episode 🤔 or not. Btw, thank you! You are amazing!

Caleb Elliott

I wanted to say this. The boy is too worried about Earl to even notice they are torn. Aaaaaaaahhhhh!


Garnet! Steven! TRY TRY TRY!!


Did anyone ever ask a Crewniverse member in a Q&A about Garnet’s actual room? I had to look it up, but we never actually saw it in the series.

Victoria Goodwin

Rose will definitely be able to shed some light, but I have no idea what she'll say exactly


I feel like the reason that Steven still has control a bit with Earl is because she's still carrying a bit of that White Gem Control. Steven isn't at a power level yet to remove it entirely, but, once he does, things will balance more. I think fusion just requires two completely independent gems, and Earl, while in her own mind and power, still carries a bit of Steven. Also Steven needs new shoes badly please let me buy him some!

Grace Rathburn

We get it. Steven is Sad Boi. But how is Earl doing ?