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S4 EP01 (part 2): Out of Sync

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This finishes Episode 1 of Season 4... next episodes we return to the standard square formatting once again. 

I AM sorry, but only a little. I promise I have PLANS, and this isn't just a random way to make you suffer. All things will resolve eventually... but I am playing the long game. And sometimes, a little bit of mystery will do us good. :) 






I'm just... gonna... ya know... *sinks down to floor* *screams into carpet*


...WHAT. Okay, wow. It... sort of makes sense? I guess the whole "leftover control" from White Diamond hasn't really left Earl's system completely yet. But still, wow.


Plot twist, omg


Hm. Seems to me that the obvious test to figure what’s going on here is for Earl to try fusing with someone else, but obviously that could be difficult.


FRICK. AAAAAA poor peri and lapis they're so frightened. I hope Garnet can shed some light on their fusion. Also, reading back from. The beginning, I wonder what happened to the remnants of WD's ship? Perhaps it would have some clues if it survived 🤔


Hmmmm Steven's eyes in the headspace are still like Coral's. 🤔 A mystery!

Jacob Brown

NOOOO!!! So beautiful, but a tWiSt! I really hope Lapis and Peridot take a moment to just pause and talk for a bit, but I also enjoy the suspense☺️ Earl maybe have some issues she may still be working through, but taking a step towards fusion should prove she’s making some headway. Steven or Earl, what was really the problem here though🧐 Excited for what’s to come🥰

Grace Rathburn

Was it intentional for Coral to not have any pink ? Was it meant as a clue that Earl had her personality erased ?

Grace Rathburn

In one of the panels, adventurine’s words overlap.


And the plot thickens a bit more!! I wonder if it's a WD thing, or just inexperience...


One of Coral's eyes was white! Like when Steven's control is active! Even when we were looking at Steven, in that mind space.


Hm... Pearl's still partially under his control since she's not back to her original colors. Maybe she needs to be fully free of it before fusion will work right for them.


I keep thinking about this, and I wonder if the reason why Pearl cannot retain her color entirely, and still possesses some of White's residue is not so much the fault of Steven's inexperience with his powers and more because of psychological reasons/trauma on part of Pearl. Since this comic does align with canon to some degree, I wonder if there might be something to be said about how Pearl cannot fully recover until she faces her inner turmoil with regards to Pink, like in the show. Basically, I feel like this is more complex than just Steven not being able to fully release Pearl from his powers. Or it could be cuz the person who made Pear white was WD, and it's not something Steven can undo as easily, cuz he's a different person.

Victoria Goodwin

"a random way to make you all suffer" lololol, nah this is awesome. Suspenseful but soooo interesting :O