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So, recently I've been trying to work on some personal projects as well as the WD!Steven comic, and I decided to write down the backstory for my DnD character I've had bumping around in my head since forever. 

This isn't complete yet, and I plan to continue it a bit longer, but for now, I've finished part one, so I thought perhaps you all would like to see. :) It likely won't go up on tumblr until I fully finish it, so you're getting it well in advance. 

I'll be hopefully putting out a part 2 and part 3 in March, or whenever I finish them. 

(And yet, I'm still working on WD!Steven stuff in the meantime... and the monthly requests as well! Have no fear.... I contain multitudes.)

Thanks for reading, and see you guys again soon!






Wonderful beginning. I've recently started tossing ideas around in my head for a DnD character after seeing several of your posts about it.


Oh my interesting start!

Lizzy B

This is great! I loved how you had the magic alter the colors and visuals. Also btw there's an extra e in 'receded'


This is amazing!!! It will be so amazing to see we’re this story goes too, your so creative!