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So, I'd like to thank everyone for sticking with me for so long, and I hope you enjoyed this wacky finale. 

Of course, the story is far from over. I already have comics for season 4 planned out, and I personally can't WAIT to share them with you. However, due to.... well... everything, including my second job, I will now be taking a hiatus to give myself a break.

Public updates following the finale comic completing on tapas will likely stop until at least March. Patreon updates, however, are likely to pick up... maybe in February? I will be working on making a buffer for myself, but you guys will get everything as soon as I finish it. And you know how I am about NOT drawing. 

I am a little nervous for this update to go live, for... various reasons, but I hope you guys trust me enough to follow this new and unexpected development to its proper completion. I've been planning this for a while, and it's good to finally have it out of my system.

For the months of January, although there will not be any new comics, there WILL still be content such as updated character sheets for all the AU characters including one for Aventurine (Lapis and Peridot's fusion). I'll also try to release some behind the scenes content to keep you all afloat. That being said, my main goal is to REST, so if you guys want to unsubscribe for the month and come back later to give your WALLETS a rest, please do so! :) 

Thanks as always for your kind support, and please know that it means the world to me! 



Keiko Vance

My emotions throughout this 📈📉📈📈📈📈📈


This is so cool! I absolutely love the way you transitioned through the colors and really reflected the mood of what's going on. I also really like the direction you took! Absolutely fantastic work.


Aventurine!!! Amazing character design!!!!!! This really scratched an itch for me 😂


AHHHHH SUCH A GOOD UPDATE! Take your time getting back into the comic, hun! Sounds like a lot is going on, and we’ll be fine (although I am psyched to see the fusion sheet - what is going on with that build??? Two mouths??? The arm canons??? Exciting!) Anyway take your time and make sure to take a break this holiday season! Until next time!


I LOVE IT, you deserve a break, after this awesome finale! I love sugilite making her debut, i love how steven used his powers to help in the battle, and MAINLY, I LOVE AMAZONITE, its one of the best lapis and peridot fusion i've ever seen! You mixed lapis and peridot appearance and powers so well! 10/10, perfect season finale! (Sorry my broken english lol)


This whole season was an incredible accomplishment, but this finale was on a whole different level! Congrats on getting this out into the world! I think I understand why you're nervous about its public release: much like the original show, this has become more than just a comic, and this finale will stir people's emotions, but the fact that you've gotten to this point speaks volumes to the quality of your work. If people react badly, give them some time to process it, I'm sure they'll come around. I imagine that with you having two jobs there won't be a lot of free time for you to rest, but I hope that you'll find some during these holidays! I am ecstatic about what's to come next year for this project! 😊



Caleb Elliott

It’s going to be interesting to see Chekhov respond to all the asks that are gonna be coming. I absolutely love to hate how abusive and traumatized Lapis is right now.


This was a really good season three finally, good twist


So Lapis and Peridot have escaped together, Jasper's been captured by the CGs, and the hand ship is destroyed. Certainly a shake-up. If Steven tries to redeem Jasper the way he did with Peridot in canon, I think it's going to be a more uphill battle.


Why would anyone unsub for your break? Rest is what makes the work possible, and we should be paying for the whole process. LOVED THIS.


Take care of yourself man I'll be excited when you come back!


Hoooly. The Lack of a Nail's ripples have spread out into tidal waves now. It's incredible how believably this chain of events plays out. It really makes you appreciate just how powerful OG!Steven's aggressively channeled Love and Acceptance truly is. All the Crystal Gems (including/especially the one powered by Love and Acceptance in this universe) are warriors first, which is the last thing Lapis needs, while WD!Steven lacks any non-violent battle stoppers or powers that might defuse the situation despite all his own Steven Love. Lapis' decision when faced with multiple fusions makes perfect sense. Her argument to Peridot makes perfect sense. The Fusion itself makes perfect sense. And they have Jasper as prisoner! I really hope we get a WD!Steven/Jasper dynamic like we got with OG!Steven/Peridot. We've seen that Defeat = Friendship/Loyalty/Respect when it comes to Jasper, and there's no defeat like "He shattered my physical form defending from a headbutt". I don't know what you're planning, but I know it's going to be well thought out and flowing logically from one development to the next, but I'm really hoping for some Jasper/Steven mentorship and more from the massive hot mess that it Aventurine.


And Vacation! Recharge! You've been churning out hundreds of pages of blazing hot content, the best non-official Steven Universe stuff out there. Take a break, focus on the rest of your life, enjoy the holidays. You'll still have rabid fans when you return.


Very true, but let's not forget that Steven defeated Jasper without breaking a sweat. Or even meaning to. And we've seen how Jasper reacts to someone who kicks her ass like that. I don't know how Chekhov is going to roll that dynamic, but it's going to be interesting to watch unfold.


Is Pearl just not there because she didn't fit in the frame of everyone sitting up or...? (yes I focus on the most mundane things)


Can I ask why you decided to have Lapis and Peridot fuse? I don't mind it, I just appreciated Peridot's canonical aro/ace representation, but I do understand it's an au!! Is it another butterfly effect type thing, like the bagel shop, or did you just decide to not have her be aro/ace in this au?


I will have to answer with a question of my own - why do you think her being forced to fuse under threat of death erases her being aro/ace? Does it read as something she does willingly, because she wants to? 🤔 When Lapis and Jasper fused, did Malachite make Jaspis canon?


WOW!!! I love Aventurine's design, and the integration of Peridot's limb extenders. If anyone gives you any shit, they can go f*** themselves, this is a great AU and I can't wait to see what plans you have in store. Take all the time you need to rest and recoup, there's nothing sadder than watching artists burn out or get injured. Taking care of yourself, and your art will shine <3

Victoria Goodwin

"TRUST YOU"??? SIR. I would give this comic my LIFE at this point lol! This is insaaaane aaaa, I have never seen a Lazuli/Lapis fusion that looked so legit?? Everything about this was just wow after wow after wow. I cannot wait to see what happens next, and I can't begin to imagine it either! Have a 10/10 rest, my dude! :"O


This is my favorite AU out of the whole SU fandom, and I absolutely can’t wait for February!!! Thank you so much for blessing my life with this, and I hope you have a wonderful break!!🧁🥰💪🏾🚨📀🥴💕🦄


Ohhh man oh man! This was an amazing execution. I love this.


I for one will be continuing to contribute while you're on hiatus. This is worth more than any comic put out by comic companies to me, and I'll be glad to see the other stuff you mentioned meanwhile. HYPE.


Ok, but wouldn't Lapis just leave? I mean that was her MO before betraying Jasper so would she just like go back to homeworld and report what happened?