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"Need some potionsss?"

Delving into a bit of unknown territory here, so I hope you guys like this. 

Recently I've begun to DM for a longer campaign. I have only had them for two sessions and I love them all already, but my love comes with caveats, (like mimics that are doors) and therefore I immediately had to make this Kobold Merchant that will try to sell my players knock-off items that will have hilarious side-effects, such as a "Heeling Potion" (restores 2d4 - WIS, but the drinker of the potion must now 'heel' to the nearby non-enemy character and cannot walk more than 5 feet away from them for 1d6 rounds or 1d6 minutes.) 

If you like this concept, feel free to you use it! I have started a Spreadsheet to keep track of item ideas, which I will share here for you to look at and get inspiration from:


Not sure when I can post this on tumblr because at least one of my players follows me... so for now, it's only for you guys!



Res the Jackal

Khajit may have wares, but Kobold has reliable potions at a reliable price :)


"Potion does what says on tin! Why is potion in tin? Why you in stupid boots? No more question. Is cheap!" 😂

Ineffably Liliana

Your intro to dnd comic legit made me start playing! I got the whole family in on it, we got a starter campaign and it's great! Can't wait to start playing original campaigns

Khiari (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-07 09:55:53 'Supplise' I love it <3 so proud of their sign, and I can't wait to see what happens when someone gets a Potion of Wild, I've seen some pretty funny/not funny outcomes XD
2020-12-04 04:49:52 'Supplise' I love it <3 so proud of their sign, and I can't wait to see what happens when someone gets a Potion of Wild, I've seen some pretty funny/not funny outcomes XD

'Supplise' I love it <3 so proud of their sign, and I can't wait to see what happens when someone gets a Potion of Wild, I've seen some pretty funny/not funny outcomes XD

Victoria Goodwin

i know next to nothing about Dungeons and Dragons(?) but this is really hilarious and that merchant's mustache is legit i trust him