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Had to resist adding the little star-zoomin on the last panel.

You brought this upon yourself, Greg!

Some exposition and fluff with this one. But if you look between the lines, you'll find important backstory. ;) 




Ohhhhhhh... the foreshadowing is IMMENSE in this chapter


Hoooo boy I didn't need to read between the lines because the foreshadowing slapped me in the f*cking face


Gah, I want the backstory so badly lol. This was such a nice chapter and the hug at the end warmed my heart.


!!! Whoo boy The ol' Universe Charm strikes again! I honestly wasn't expecting that, I shouldn't have assumed XD Does Greg suspect now? I hope we get a "Story for Steven" episode soon~


I wonder if greg suspects this may be his child... I mean look at his eyes

Noell S.

Ooohhhh! Are you doing what I think you're doing! Excite!


I feel like this is going to play majorly into the larger story. Reasons why Greg was out in Washington and maybe bits and pieces on how Steven came to be. I would also love to see Greg explain to Steven that he can always change his last name because he did. I think that's important - your past is your past, but you can make your own future. Also Greg OMG you asked the wrong person. Steven and Earl LOVE organization XD


It seems we're not far from having Steven find out Greg is his dad.


Sweet, Washington reference! Also a good link to the music scene here. Also the UFO sightings that happened around the mountains back in the day. Also, if there’s some kind of glowing extinct mushroom then its possible White was on Earth longer than just meeting Greg.


Greg having flashbacks of white diamond boinking :o

Eliza-Azalea, Maid of Heart

So uhhh... Cousin Andy scene in a few years, huh? That'll be a gotdang trip eh? But this is also the kind of fan work that would probably say "cut toxic fuckers out no Qs A'd" and I think it would be just as funny for DeMayo to make one microaggressive remark then instantly get yeeted by Garnet