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In comic timeline, Steven is now officially 15! Or is he...? ;)

Steven's official birthday is technically marked as 'unknown' so he has a Found-on day instead. He's celebrating it as his Coming To Earth Day! Or his Becoming Steven Day. I realized it was That Time last minute and drew this hurriedly to have something to post on Twitter. It's not something I plan to address overtly in the comic, so it's happening on social media instead.




Oop I didn't even think about it, but you're right! That would indeed make him a libra :)


i absolutely respect you dont plan anything in the story reguarding steven's birthday- although that means we wont have a So Many Birthdays Parallel (unless i am a fool, and you already did that? i dont remember it if we did, woof). Since we wont, i wanted to ask: Pink Diamond's power has a lot to do with "feelings" and "mental states" and "emotions" as that's her representation among the diamonds, which is probably why steven's age fluxuates violently in So Many Birthdays , and possibly an explanation for why his body and pink's bodies were always so reactive to their feelings (outbursts and such). Since White Steven ISNT pink diamond, and his representation is more in line with white's in "the self" and "the mind" and such, do you think he WOULD/COULD have an episode like So Many Birthdays? Does his age depend on how he feels? does any part of his form have to do with "how he feels"?


Good question! The answer is "yes, his gem effects his physical age somewhat" but it isn't about how he feels because WD!Steven's powers aren't tied to his emotions. Steven was physically smaller for the majority of his life because that was what he needed - to be less threatening, to not get in the way, to appear 'cute'. Now that he's with the gems that's no longer an issue and his priorities are changing so he will probably appear a bit bigger!


the colours here are sooooo cute and so up my alley 🥺 steven's expression.....