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A little while ago, I promised the wonderful artists/authors of the SU B-sides comic that I would do a little guest insert for them while Court recovered from a drawing injury. Well - here it is! Finished and ready. 

This will go up on the b-sides tumblr (https://su-b-sides.tumblr.com/) on Friday, but until then, I'm posting it for you guys to enjoy early!

AU PLOT NECESSARY INFO: This comic takes place in the SU-B-sides AU, where instead of Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, Steven is being raised by Peridot, Bismuth and Lapis. This SPECIFIC comic takes place a fair bit before SU-B-sides first episode... back when Steven was still a baby. Enjoy!

CONTENT WARNINGS: Open water, thalassophobia. 


(This post will post publicly on Friday, US time. Please refrain from sharing until then.)




Fo' wapis is adorable


Oh but the comic flow the pacing just all of this is beautiful and supremely well done. Like, wow. I love this


Adorable! Do you have authority to say if this is canon to their AU or is it just a fun little 'what if' of sorts? From what we see of Lapis in B-Sides, this is very in character.


I consulted with Court about making it as in-character as possible, but as for whether it's officially canon, that'll be up to the creators! You can ask them when the comic releases perhaps? :)


It took my third re-read to notice the manga Lapis is reading. Masterful. <3


...so... cute... and pretty! Those backgrounds, even with only a few colors, were amazing.


Dangling him over the deeps without a visible facial expression. Her version of Pearl almost ripping out Steven's Gem?


I love this so much!