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Decided to do something a little different this time. 

And now, as a reward to myself for coloring all that, I shall take a week break. 

(Did Garnet ever finish her story? Find out next time, I guess.)



Keiko Vance

I think I realized what was going to happen once Amethyst said move. Then the laughter started and hasn’t really stopped. Good job 👏

Res the Jackal

I think this is one of your best ones. It's so cool! I love seeing their faces change, and also the motion blur effect to really show off that chaos :P


I loved this so much Especially that one where they put sapphire in the bagel and she started reforming right then 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That frozen mid laugh with a sudden "oh sh**" look was priceless Your expressive art never fails to deliver


Look at all of those colored panels, wow! This was GREAT, amazing job on this update!

Keiko Vance

Just noticed Steven’s emoji <:D


Sapphire looks so cute with sleeves and the messy braid


I love Sapphire's design!!! And Lion's face, ahahaha!


Ruby and Steven bonding and taking selfies is so cute??? And Sapphire's form is so cute??!?! I CANNOT COPE


Oh my god!! I laughed so hard I cried a little. This is priceless!! I love it!!

Hugh Mccabe

Checkov, why is this episode being shown on Tapas as 'coming soon' when the previous episode hasn't been released on Tapas yet? I think you've made a misupload and might want to get that corrected.


Can you send me screenshots of what you see over Tumblr? I double checked just now and everything looks to be in the correct order on my side. I don't have it showing as 'coming soon' at all.

Hugh Mccabe

Ok sorry for sending this but I was wrong, the problem is still there. It shows this episode whenever you sort by most recent. Which part of Discord do you want to upload it on?