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A bit of a quieter one this time. Earl seems to finally be more or less choosing sides... or at the very least giving the gems 'intel' from her side. 

Chronologically speaking, this one should take place BEFORE the glowy-Steven one, I feel. It makes more sense. 

But I've gotten ahead of myself and posted that pic on Twitter. Sigh.  

I dunno guys, whaddaya think? Should THIS be this week's episode, and the glowy surprise one can be moved to next week? Plot development wise, it feels more natural to me.




This is absolutely incredible


I feel like this should be before the glowy one tbh. But I can also see the glowy one come before this as well


This before glowy tbh

Mimi Noelle

This one should come first, I think.


yeah this one should come first. it doesn't sit a whole lot for rose to talk about Steven like that days after seeing him in the glowing T-pose,

Hugh Mccabe

I think this should come first. Also why is there a see-through hand shown at the first and last image of this comic. I can understand the ending image hand but not the beginning image hand. Also do you need to get rid of the nail polish on Steven's hands and feet as that becomes a major plot point of the earlier comic strip you did.

Ineffably Liliana

This one being first makes more sense to me, and the glowing Steven pic can just be a teaser for people to look forward too!


The see through hand isn't see through, it's the temple. They're on the beach in front of it. And yeah, I'd get rid of the nail polish if I reorder them. :)

Matthew Bottorff

If you do this episode first do you think you should remove the fingernail polish from Steven's fingers. For continuity? Just curious :D

Lizzy B

I can HEAR their voices 8D


It makes sense that Rose first admit Steven≠WD, but afterward sees Steven glowing and get terrified I think🤔


God, this is delicious. Meaty Juicy Character Development. Earl's smart. She's going to figure out Rose before much longer at this rate.


I love the subtle parallel between Pearl clearly struggling over the fact that she can't reveal Rose's secret and Earl in her earlier days in moments where Steven was unintentionally controlling her. For all Pearl talked a big game about how Earl should free herself from her diamond, she herself is still being controlled by her own diamond to a certain extent.


Steven paints his nails and the glowy chapter, and his nails are still painted in the bonfire chapter so I think you should keep in the order you posted it on patreon

username901000 .

I kept expecting Earl to say 'let's go get pink diamond. She'll side with us..'

username901000 .

Also, I love the tension in this episode. It feels like it's building up to something big, both in terms of character development, and in terms of epic space revolution plot. Viva la revolution!

Grace Rathburn

Sorry if this has already been answered, but why hasn’t pearl/Earl told the CGs that she use to be pink diamond’s pearl ?