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I'm reworking the $5 reward tier because I want to make it better for all you wonderful people who keep supporting me. 

Please vote on the option(s) which you would personally like to see OR what rewards might make you consider upping to the $5 tier when/if you were financially capable of doing so! :) No pressure, I am just at a loss for what to do here. 


Eliza-Azalea, Maid of Heart

That last option made me laugh, but I didn't want to obfuscate the results. Tbh I'm just here for the early access. If you bumped that up to the $5 tier I'd grumble about it but you'd get three more dollars from me.


You're just 1 person, so going for something with a low amount of extra work involved would be ideal...


I like the "Behind the Scenes" option best. You're already doing those things, so this way they don't have to go to waste and we get more content without you doing more work.


I like the idea of showing behind the scenes work! That way you don’t have to do anything super crazy, plus I like seeing the progression of art!!


I’ve just increased my pledge to $5 because I love your ‘TED talks’ on tumblr and want to support you. You are doing amazing job discussing and explaining some very sensitive topics. Calling names is unlikely to ever make people question and change their opinions/prejudices, but I hope that calm and reasonable explanation (like yours) actually can ❤️