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I swear I'm almost done drawing comics about DnD.... I swear.... 

But while we're here, have one more. 

Connie's like 'did someone say EMOTIONAL TORMENT? I'm here to deal it.'

For those curious - Steven is playing a Warlock who thinks he's a Sorcerer. 

"Why not Bard?" you ask


Because the one they inevitably ended up with is already more than enough. 




I love this so much! I wish there was SU themed dice sets


This is great

Keiko Vance

This is the best thing ever 🤩


Honestly tho how is Steven not a bard too? He's definitely a bard. It's a big party, they can have two bards. Funny story- My dad has been trying to get our family (parents + 4 adult kids + 2 sisters-in-law as of Sunday) to do a D&D campaign and he's been trying to get us to build characters with him. Things are kind of slow because of some family drama and also the global plague thing, but we all kind of got halfway to building characters. None of us have played before except my dad and my youngest brother, but I know I'm definitely playing a bard. Debating between grouchy dwarf lady bard and chaotic neutral human male bard.


(I really want to play an NB character or at least a GNC one but my family dynamic is... complicated and we're not going there.)


OK I can definitely see that :D

Res the Jackal

EEEEE! This was such a cool surprise, i love it! I especially love Connie's look at the end and the whole thing is just an awesome idea x3

Rebecca Gerardy

I love this. I would watch a season or three just of this. It's so in character!


This is awesome. :) Also, is that the Blue Diamond as a dolphin on Connie's notes?


Everything about this is amazing.


Oh my God, I LOVE THIS!!! Ever since 'rona and school getting out, I've been looking for something to help kill all this extra time, and since I've been binge-watching Critical Role, I was thinking about joining/making an online DnD group. I think this is a nudge that I should get some people and start playing XD


I am SO here for all this D&D content!!! PLEASE DON’T STOP LOL


love this hope we get a part 2 in the future


so was that last panel of the main comic you when you realized a ton of people would want more of this because it's really good.

Dragon Turtle

This is really surreal for me, because I've never seen you write or illustrate for the CANON iterations of your cast, or of these characters that haven't even premiered in the comic yet. And now, here they are all at once. The turn taken with Connie confuses me though. Every single other person's scene is totally on point for them. But it feels weird (and kind of wrong?) for Connie to just bring up Steven's issues so casually, and use him as an excuse for vicarious resentment. How serious and plausible is this scenario meant to be? Because otherwise I wholeheartedly buy into it. Is it meant to be years after Future, and it's OK to joke about this with Steven?


It's just meant to be a silly comic but also - Connie was literally the one person who called out the gems and the Diamonds for using Steven as a walking talking therapy session and pushing their issues onto him. I don't think it's severely out of character for her to jokingly bring it up again after all is said and done, especially when Lapis and Bismuth and Peridot outright joke about trying to kill him in Future. I suppose it's just a matter of reading characters differently though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love this so much. As a DM, I totally get where she’s coming from. Games players remember are never easy nor kind. Unless the players make me laugh, then there’s a way out of most things.


This has been reposted to a dnd group on facebook. They credited it but i figured youd maybe want to know.