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Playing around with this concept because I had this idea last night at 1am... I'm sure it's been done before, but I've deliberately NOT searched for it because I wanted to do my own version. 

I could put this on a t-shirt? Have a fun slogan for it? Yeah? Nah? I want to add color but I fear it'll make it a bit too complex. Plus coloring isn't really my schtick. 

On to more comics! Cheers. 




The dnd nerd within me is pleased I would love to see this as a t-shirt design!!!


I'll be honest I like it but wouldn't pay more that $20 For it

Rebecca Gerardy

Somehow I'm both horrified and fascinated


Isn't it suppose to be WorlD20?


Yep except I apparently can't spell and made a typo directly in the title. Go me.


No worries, we all slip up sometimes. Glad I could help you catch it.