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(can you guys tell that I don't care about naming these and just try to come up with the best pun on the fly?)

Life is hard when you have to pick between ONE person trying to kill you and the OTHER people who might still be thinking of killing you depending on how much of a threat you are to them. 

Steven's had a long day.




Earl's face when Steven and Pearl are arguing guts me.


Soooo many good shots on this one. Earl's facial expression in the last few panels is perfect, a mix of being angry at Steven with understanding, she really knows Steven well at this point.


Just hit me that Pearl's such a huge hoarder that she literally did not realize that she had a literal person imprisoned inside her mind palace for thousands of years. The others seriously need to sit her down and help her sort her stuff out. At least Amethyst knows exactly what she's got in her junk piles, yet another reason for her to rightfully be angry at Pearl.


Earl looks sad😥😥😥why you let me see that


I'm not the best at reading faces, but something about Earl's expression here...


You wouldn't happen to be hiding a gemstone in your pocket or something, would you Earl?


They keep coming so close to figuring out that Steven's half-human and then totally swerving and missing it, I wonder how long it'll take before they put the pieces together?