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I think you may find this a bit silly but I've seen other Patreons make a note of this and I wanted to make it clear as well:

If any of you are in times of financial trouble because of the COVID-19 situation - if you've ended up without pay, or needing to expand more money on real life, practical things, I want to stress that I will absolutely not hold it against you and I want you to put yourself first and make your own safety a top priority. 

If you need to lower your pledge or remove it altogether - I completely understand! 

Please do so and make sure you are getting through this period of social upheaval with the least losses. 

I am personally doing fine - thank you to those of you who asked! 

I live in Japan, which would sooner shoot itself in the foot than remove its working force from their offices, so everyone is doing unpaid overtime as usual. :) In close quarters. But that's nothing new! 

Hope you all are faring well, and I will have new content on the way soon! Cheers!


Jason Blackthorn

Very understanding of you! There are odd times indeed.


Unpaid overtime? For real?! ☹ Hope they'll pay you back somehow in the future, that's a very crappy situation... Anyway, I hope you don't stress yourself out getting updates out of the door, we're all under pressure and putting more of it on you wouldn't be right!

Res the Jackal

Working in IT - all the people working from home rely on us, so there's no shortage of work yet :P be sure to have some patience with whoever you get over the phone for technology stuff - they are likely working from home and exhausted


I'll soon rather bite chalk before I even come close to pledging lower or not at all, you're a wonderful person and if things go as expected over here, I'll refuse to take a step back! If you need anything just give the word!