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Text for those that can't read it on the images: 

 Hey guys!

Since I made the post for my monthly requests, I've had about 5 people email or message me with the same issue:

"I forgot to request in previous months, so can I get 2+ characters this month instead?"

And I WANT to say 'yes of course!' because I want you to get your money's worth. But because you did not warn me ahead of time, instead of doing the 20+ drawings I made time for this month, I now have DOUBLE that. 

If it was only one or two people, I'd love to just take it easy and fill the request, but as is, I'm looking at a workload I did NOT plan for. (Drawing these takes time, and I have to always plan accordingly to make sure I get them done. This is why I ask you guys to inform me ahead of time if you're gonna wait one month and double up on two characters in the next.)

And much as I hate to bring this up, I've HAD a rule about getting your request in for the month IN  the month itself for the entirety of last year!

I don't want to just flat out refusing people - you're financially supporting me, and that means a lot! I want you to feel like you are getting what you pay for! But I'm only one person, and I cannot do 15+ backtaxed drawings without warning. 

So - if you emailed or messaged me asking 'can I get 2+ people?' the answer is going to be this:

For THIS MONTH ONLY you can get ONE of your months back. If you did not request a specific month because you forgot, I will allow you to request ONE extra thing! 

Going forward, (from March) if you do not make contact with me ON THE MONTH OF THE REQUEST you forgo your request and cannot later vouch for it back. *

* If you want to wait one month and later double up, TELL ME ON THE FIRST MONTH. 

For example, if you want to forgo March and then get two characters in April, you MUST comment/email me in march and say 'I'm gonna wait and get 2 characters next month' and I'll say ':) no prob bob' and we will be chill. 

Thanks everyone!




Glad you spoke up so we know this was an issue! This stuff can be stressful and your own well being comes first before anything else and I dont know about the others but I consider that important to everyone, but now we know!


Oh, my bad for misunderstanding! I'll just drop my request. :> My apologies!


You're doing so much just doing this comic bud. It's worth every penny already!!


Oh my. That's a lot all at once! I didn't think about that. I apologize and will keep this in mind from now on. Don't work too hard!


Thank you for speaking up. That's to much work for one person. Also thank you for all your hard work you've been putting into this comic and your previous work.

Emma the Bombastic CowboyClown

That's completely reasonable! I hope everyone else agrees, never overwork yourself if you can help it!!!