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Is Lapis gonna get healed? Is she gonna ever be free? Find out..... soon! Hopefully! Whenever I draw the next episode. 

A few of you guessed that this episode will be quite divergent from the canon events. I'll be treading on thin ice a bit, seeing as we never knew what Lapis could do if she was healed but still inside the mirror. The answer is... probably not a lot. But it'll be interesting. 

Once again - since you guys are early readers, I would appreciate some asks sent my way to use for the next chapter!





"I'll be treading on thin ice a bit, seeing as we never knew what Lapis could do if she was healed but still inside the mirror. The answer is... probably not a lot. But it'll be interesting." Great, now I'm picturing the mirror with wings just flying away


I can already tell things are about to go down very differently, woohoo!


She'd probably swear- I mean talk- with her own face instead of other peoples lololol


I like the idea you had in the promotional art for this arc. That Lapis can control water while in the mirror but only enough to form a projection of herself.


Shiitake mushrooms that scared me😂😂😂😂😂


When did amethyst grew longer hair