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Thanks for waiting! Here's the latest installment. 

If you think 'man, this is taking forever!' then that's justified. Because I've decided to do Lapis' arc through ask comics instead of one big one, it will be more spread out over several asks. Things will pick up in the next installment, though!



Keiko Vance



I think this is a better solution than just one big installment


Ooeeee! One of my questions got used, that's so fun!


Wonderful update, really awesome to see more of these short, ask-based updates (there's a typo on panel 6, invation->invasion)


Will Steven and garnet or in this case rose have an argument over the mirror


Well this explains your promotional art where Lapis controls water while still in the mirror


Earl: Oh shit...

Jason Blackthorn

I love your plotting! Tying it all together... 😊


I wonder what could happen when you put the healing tears in there?


I think the last panel that reflection of Earl's action is the mirror's reaction,because the mirror doesn't toward to Earl...Or I just think to much?


Are you sure rose will be okay with you using her tears?

Dragon Turtle

It makes sense that with her regimented Homeworld life, Earl wouldn't have qualms about using a slave-gem appliance, and is worried about giving it freedom. But she's not one to ever discourage Steven from anything. Also, you want "invasion" at the bottom of panel 6, not "invation."


I am liking where you're going from this. I'm very much looking forward to your take on canon SU events. The "For Want of a Nail" ripples continue to grow. Excitement!