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This was a long-ago started project that I'm finally deciding to pick back up again. Hopefully I'll keep going this time! I want to make some Pokemon Origami designs - but I need help choosing which ones! Give me your suggestions for what you wanna see next month! :) 

Ideally after I have a ew of these made, I want to make them into either a sticker set or some pins. I have no knowledge of how to make pins, however, so it'll have to be just a pipe dream for now. 

The reason I'm reposting these is because I changed the Squirtle design - the old one looked like this:

Speaking of, let me know if you prefer the old one! I feel it's too stiff, but maybe my intuition is off. 




Darkrai is my favorite besides Eevee and their evolutions!


I like the new squirtle, I agree. As for suggestions, lemme grab my Pokédex... a Polygon would look pretty cool! As would a Reuniclus, or even a Rotom!


the new Squirtle is better. As for new ones I'd maybe think of a legendary bird like Articuno, Moltres, or Zapdos. That's just me though I'm attracted to power