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Hey guys, thanks for your patience! I know I promised this earlier, but I've just now finally finished the first half of the comic. I decided to post it now to give you something to chew over while I finish up the second half. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Warning: This comic cuts off halfway through, so it's a bit of a cliffhanger. If that's not your thing, don't read!

Next chapter: Steven gets a ride in the helicopter! (I'm joking.)

Also a quick reminder - if you haven't yet, join the Discord to discuss Patreon-exclusive stuff. :) 




Ahhhh! She looks wonderful! I'm glad you've decided to keep the loose hair thingies fndkdkjdjx also her story!! Baby Steven!! Everything!!! Thank you so much for this, take your time with the next part, it's always worth the wait.

Cassidy Quill Waters

Also quick question; the panel that shows Pink Pearl hugging her legs seems to have her cracked eye on the wrong side? Or maybe it's a reflection, I dunno XD


So in the flashback is Earl like semi under white’s control?


Amazing as always! Can't wait for the next one!! I'll keep my theories to myself for now-


I am curious: are the flashbacks accurate to how they happened? I just ask because I think you've stated in the past that the way Steven looked like as a baby in his "timeline" answer was just how he imagined he looked, so I was wondering if this was actually how he looked as a newborn.

Blake DeFriend

Did they crash an escape pod? That would explain how your Earl got the cracked gem. It also means they had to be running away. Hmmmm My mind is firing on all cylinders!

Karolina Belomestnova

Pffft... In the last post, you said about a detail that “is a bit tongue and cheek”... I get it now! 😆 I love puns! I love the final design! And the hair thingies look a lot better than in the template, so I’m glad you kept them :) Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story.


First panel with the helicopter in it has a typo (white diamind)


Oh my fucking god thank you for catching that but that's fucking hilarious


Fantastic work, the effort you're putting into this update is awe inspiring! 😊


It's absolutely great! Tho it's a very small thing I caught, in the seventh page, when Earl looks down at baby Steven and wonders if he's a gem, just before he's possessing her, her eye's white and not grey. From what I understand, she's still in control of herself there. :)


Just think, if White Diamond had chosen a different state to... whatever exactly happened... in, baby Steven could've been found by a kindly farm couple and raised to believe in truth and justice and...


I'm getting a feeling that the ship fell because of Steven's untimely birth. It makes sense as White Diamond probably didn't know she was pregnant, and by the time Steven was born, the ship went out of control with no pilot. Though it makes me wonder if Yellow and Blue didn't send out scouts to find because, with White gone, the Diamond Authority became disarray. Speaking of homeworld there are not many means of creating new gems now as with both Pink being Rose and White gone with Steven being born, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the gems of homeworld being less powerful. We know this is what became of the current generation of Peridots in the show, so it wouldn't be out of the question that this could happen.

Karolina Belomestnova

No, I disagree. Pink was gone for over 5000 years, and White disappeared only 14 years ago. That’s barely a day by Gem standards, no new gems were made during that time. I wonder if anybody even noticed... I think in this AU White also isolated herself from the other Diamonds and the rest of Homeworld. However, she still would take her ship out to fly from time to time. In one of those trips she came to Earth and met Greg and got pregnant. Oooh... *imagines a taller-than-average-human-sized White in a club, dressed up impeccably in latest fashion, and Greg on stage, and a Vidalia situation between them afterwards* Ahem, what was I saying. Ah, yes, White got pregnant with Steven. For some reason it really reminds me of Greek mythology, how Athena was born from Zeus’s head. He suffered terrible migraines and had his head split open by Poseidon to cure it.


Hey I discovered your WDAU comic just today and binged it from beginning to now! It's so amazing and thought out I had to immediately come and throw patreon money at you. <3