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No? No one? Alright, that one was a bit forced, I'll admit. 

(Steven being in trouble refers to the fact that he's under house arrest for things he doesn't remember doing.)

If anyone comes at me with 'string instruments/woodwinds DO have the notes in order!' I'll fight you. I'm a dumbass piano player and my only contact with a string instrument was a weak attempt to learn the guitar and boy howdy I do not like that. 

Woodwinds get a pass because at least their notes are arranged in a SOMEWHAT understandable order. (Also because I used to play bass clarinet.)

Percussion, you're on thin fucking ice, but we all need you, so you get a pass too. (Also because you have keyboard instruments.)

By the way, this episode is not mislabeled - it's episode 11. I decided to rearrange the order on some upcoming episodes but ended up finishing this one first. I'm still working on 10, but I wanted to upload something for you guys on Patreon because I love and respect you.



Cassidy Quill Waters

Godfuckingdammit Steven. That pun. Also you got a misspell when Greg's talking about patterns. "First," instead of "fist." :)


"If anyone comes at me with 'string instruments/woodwinds DO have the notes in order!' I'll fight you." LAUGHS IN BRASS


I love this. Also, I love Steven’s new hairstyle. It’s adorable.


Now all he needs is Peridot's tape recorder for him to start recording demos!


Brass, I have no idea what it is you do, but I'm too chicken to fight you about it

Jason Blackthorn

Excellent. I really dig the braided hair thing - is Earl braiding his hair or is Connie?