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 Hey guys! It's that time again - time for you to send me your requests!

If you have not participated before, here's how it works - if you are seeing this post (if you are a $10 patron) then you are allowed to request ONE character every month for me to draw in black and white. The various styles I do are listed above. 

Please COMMENT or PATREON MAIL or EMAIL me your request. If your character is an OC, or is not easy to find on Google, please provide reference images! 

EMAIL me at: chekhovs.owl@gmail.com (please include your Patreon ID in the email so I can confirm it really is you).

PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR REQUESTS BEFORE THE 20th of each month! Any later than that and I cannot promise I will get it done. 

If you request it too late, you forgo the request for this month. Please plan accordingly! 

(This rule is in place to make sure I don't get 15 requests on the last week of the month - and am overwhelmed by the necessity to finish them.) 
