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Connie: CRIME!!

Earl: ...crime!!!

Steven: what have I done

(Thanks for reading, folks! I'm trying to give you eps a week early, but I'm not quite at that point yet.)




Earl says fuck the police


Be gay, do crimes


partners in crime nice


Connie's parent finger isn't colored.


I really like how Connie is very intuitively understanding that Steven has been placed under the same kind of strict parental guidance that she has at home. No wonder she wants to help Steven break the rules! Great update as usual!

Jon Dalbon

I love how Earl is doing up Steven’s hair. Holding the pins in her mouth like his mom is just goddamn adorable.

Cassidy Quill Waters

While I feel like Steven's more cautious due to his upbringing... I can't help but compare him and canon Steven's differences due partly to their mothers' different temperaments. XD Since canonSteeb is just YOLO, especially in the first few seasons XD


Anyone else reminded of that “I want to steal” horse meme from Over the Garden Wall?

Jason Blackthorn

"We really shouldn't tell Rose anything." Yaaaaaassss, that's Connie all right! 😁


Oooh I like this Connie. She’s a RISK TAKER 😂 She was like “Uhhhh yeah eff this gem force field.”