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Well, it's that moment we've all been waiting for! The Crystal Gems will all be appearing in the comic again in their new forms and I figured I should get a move on in finalizing some of the designs. 

Here's all of them (except for Rose and Steven) in all their glory!

Garnet's letterman jacket I had planned ended up not changing much from the sketch at all! She has Rose's insignia on the front, which is a reaction to White Diamond showing up. I also kept her heels. 

Pearl's redesign is a mix of the forms I liked - I had the most trouble with hers, but after giving her coat-tails I feel satisfied. The divided part is meant to be similar to a sakura petal - and yes, Rose's insignia is literally.... on her butt. >:) 

I ended up going with the more raggedy form for Amethyst - she'll have other chances to reform later so I'm saving her more casual styles for when she's less conflicted about her life. She also grew out her hair... But the short hair might make a comeback eventually. ;) 

And last up we have Earl in her wonderful Neapolitan glory. I didn't anticipate how many people would love her splotchy design, and I have a confession to make - this form isn't going to last long. Yes... sad as it might be, I have a reform for Earl in the works, and I already have a new design for her. A few of you have already noticed one small hint about it in the promo poster for Season 3. ;) 

Still, I won't reveal the full thing quite yet - it's going to happen a few comics in, so there's no reason to reveal it before due time. 

Thanks for hanging out, and I hope you enjoy the season!




Holy! These reforms are beautiful!!!!


Ahhhh Pearl's reform is so pretty? I love her sleeves so much

Jayne Lindgren

I wasn't expecting to like Pearl's new look (silhouette seemed too busy), but I actually rather like this a lot. The sleeves being transparent help a lot. Well done!


: O !!!!!!!!!!! OOO these are so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Omg I love them! Garnet looks so edgy 😍 Also can’t wait for other Earl reforms.


This is so cool, great job! I'm really looking forward to seeing Earl's redesign!


Since I looked back at the promo and pearl is grey does that mean that (p)earl will sever ties with rose and become "Stevens pearl"?

Jason Blackthorn

"She'll have other chances to re-form later" - sounds a little ominous...

Jason Blackthorn

Loving the outfits. I dig the Team Rose symbol usage! I'm guessing there's gonna be a point where that'll change!