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After reading the Season 3 start today I had to subscribe - I need to keep reading this! It's so professional, it feels just like I'm watching a show * - *

Marie-Jeanne MUSSARD

I like this, the story, this update, everything. So Steven can't go outside the barn area? It sad for him, even if he have a home now. And I'm glad he can be with Earl.

Marie-Jeanne MUSSARD

Hum... wait... in jail break canon's episode canon Steven had a strange interaction with light disruptor field...


Absolutely lovely, season 3 is already going super strong! Cheers!


Wait..... is that Amethyst's shadow on the end?


Just to let you know, Chekhov, you have an extra E in Rose's "Nonsense" right as Greg returns to show them the inside of the barn.


"Well, I could put you into a dark room and leave you there for a year but revenge isn't what I'm after." I forget sometimes how bad Rose's life with the Diamonds was.


Oh my god!!! I hope Rose comes to the realization that Steven isn’t White. He’s just a scared innocent baby.


Such a great start to S3! Loving every panel! ❤️

Jack Scott

absolutely love this! i love how rose is slowly coming to realize steven isn't white diamond. all the character arcs are really well done!


I think you're my favorite Patreon author artist


oh my god. the only person trapped there is pearl! and of course, they're protected from other gems.

Emma the Bombastic CowboyClown

good god you should be writing your own show! you're an amazing story teller and you've made all the characters and their own arcs more interesting and quite a bit more consistent than the og show does! I'm very happy to be supporting you!