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Much as I loved hearing how much you guys all loved the gems' new forms, I plan to have them reform soon. Along with new clothes, my initial plan was to give Amethyst her longer haired look back. There's even a tiny bit of foreshadowing for it in the comic. 

BUT! Do you guys have any strong opinions about this? 

Amethyst's hair for the new form: Keep it short? Or make it long?


Rökkr Ragnarok

I’ve always found Long Hair is used as a way to show the passage of time and a person matured... so do you think she grown up/as a person in all this time?


You could always make it medium length. Have it go halfway down her back?


I think it’s really cute short but either way would be fine tbh


short short short short


Since the majority says it’s cool either way, you should choose Chekhov. For me personally, I’ve liked the liberties you’ve taken when re-designing the characters. And I associate your version of amethyst with shorter hair. But whatever you think is best.


I say go with what you envision! Whenether that's giving Amy her show hair, keeping it short, or somewhere in between~


It'd be amazing to see Amethyst have even shorter hair than we see her with in the show! Maybe a half-mohawk, something kind of punk-rock? Whatever you choose will be great, I'm sure, so go with your gut!


Why not go for a middle ground and make her hair longer but still not as long as in the show?