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I'm having... writer's block or brain dumbs or SOMETHIN. 

Anyway, I need you guys to tell me honestly whether or not you understand the flow of these panels. Meaning that I know I skip around - from Pearl to Garnet to Rose, and they're meant to present as 3 separate instances, not linear events. But does that make sense? 

Also, is it clear the Lunar Sea Spire is collapsing, or should I add some good ol'e sound effects?



I followed it pretty well


The flow makes sense to me! Some sound effects or blur or something would be great on the spire tho for a tiny bit more urgency.


It read very well! Steven's interjections lead into their respective panels excellently.

Nathan C.

Makes sense to me, the only thing I missed the first read through was that Amy and Steven are both listening to Pearl. That could just be my eyes though.


same! though I'm often surprised at the reading comprehension level of your audience lol


I could understand it just fine.


I understood it fine. And it looks amazing as always!


The flow was fine but adding some sound effects or big cracks to the sea spire wouldn’t hurt.


I understood it without problems.