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I've been thinking a lot about Steven's weapon as we get further into him becoming an actual Crystal Gem.

It's still very much on the fence, but here's what I was thinking....

How about a staff?

To be honest, I can't imagine WD having a sword - that's too hands on, and it seems like more of a Yellow Diamond thing.

Also, I don't want it to be OP. Steven isn't exactly rushing to go into battle. I want his weapon to be somewhat... Useless.

Though obviously it can still be useful

It might be cool to have it be several sizes

What do you guys think?




I was kinda on the fence until you said it can change sizes. Would he be able to shoot light out of it, similar to how Pearl can shoot light from her spear?


You know, I haven't decided yet! What do you think? Is that too similar to Pearl's weapon, then?

Nathan C.

You could do a hook at the end, like a longer version of the ancient Egyptian ones. Maybe put a hammer on one end if you're feeling evil? What you have looks good, kinda reminds me of Odin's spear.


I think it’d be an interesting idea. I definitely like the design, but I always imagined that as the supposed “progenitor” of the Gem species that White would have less of an actual physical weapon and more like a general control over light particles, sort of like Yellow and Blue’s ability to project light in the form of beam attacks. I’d say thematically it’d make sense if White had the ability to make any weapon. Or in a more simplified way, be able to copy and replicate other Gem weapons.


Additionally, White!Steven could use this as a method of learning more about the Crystal Gems. Say he gets attacked by a corrupted gem and immediately summons the first Gem weapon he sees to defend himself. He sees Garnet’s gauntlets and instantly summons his own and delivers a devastating punch, but he learns that through their use that they are heavy and he has to be balanced with his punches or he’ll mess up his attack, leaving himself open to counter attacks.


Just some ideas. ^_^

Nathan C.

Or, if she was made by some creator race and either outlasted them or "seized the means of production" and destroyed them, then her weapon could be more of a specific tool that she had no current use for. Like a giant wrench or something.


I think it's a neat concept. I could see it as seemingly useless....at first. But as the series continues and Steven learns more about his heritage/powers, his staff becomes more powerful. I mean this is White Diamond we're talking about and since she's already shown in canon to be a very powerful gem, it would make sense that her weapon (if she has one in canon) would have the potential to be very powerful as well.

Marc Cardenas

I like it. Think it would be a cool thing to do. Are those shining light looking things coming off the top physical, Or is that the light up looking section

Victoria Goodwin

bruh i know this posst is 2yo but i just got to say i always thought the staff was brilliant. i thought it was like a scepter, bc WD is like a queen and all. so perfect ;-;