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We return for a thrilling continuation of last time's cliffhanger!




Thanks for hanging!

What happens next? Well.... I suppose you'll have to wait and find out. :)



Sans so cool So cool

hey if im only paying per year and it isnt a bug im fine with it


That’s…not a new crack on Earl’s neck I’m seeing, right? 😭

Rogue Command

This was so sweet, their friendship means the world to me X3


I don't really understand Mr. and Mrs. Maheswaran's logic here. They think Connie is lashing out due to the trauma of being forcefully moved to a new place, so they're... forcefully moving her to a new place. In an entirely different country. To live with someone she doesn't know. Where she doesn't speak the language. What? I mean, I can kinda understand their fear regarding the quakes and the Cluster emergence. But they seem mostly worried about the emotional impact moving to Delmarva has had. And their plan is to do the same thing they have assumed hurt Connie, all over again, except worse this time. Then again, all that could kind of be the point; they're so worried, that they're scrambling to take control of Connie's choices and behaviour. This has very blatantly been a theme for a while; one's choices and behaviour is not for others to control. They're so desperate to regain that illusion of control (even though they think and feel like they're doing it for Connie's sake) that they're not considering the real effects of their actions, only the imagined ideal outcome. And they'll be harming their daughter far worse for it. If this move actually goes through, Connie is WAY more likely to ACTUALLY develop control issues. In a way, they're absolutely projecting their own fears onto Connie, here. They're lashing out because they feel they've lost control.


I can answer that question to get Connie far away from the center of trouble. Everything bad started happening when they allowed her to start spending time at Beach City. In their minds she’ll be far safer far from Beach City. This is of course incorrect but the human mind works wonders with emotion over true logic.


I literally joined your patreon because I was so worried about Connie, so I'm glad it all worked out!


Man, moving half way across the world sounds tough tho! I'm sure her parents had their reasons, but, idk, even if they came to the wrong conclusions, it doesn't seem that rational to move a girl whose struggling with change to a different part of the world to live with someone she barely knows, in a country whose language she doesn't speak??