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Thank you so much for your patience! The March break is over, and I'm finally back with April requests!

Between moving and....EVERYTHING....... these two last months have been kinda wild so

If I somehow forgot/lost your request, PLEASE let me know! I'll do my best to correct the error asap.

 Request: OC!

 Request: OC!

Request: OC!

 Request: Aita Tadayo doing the Sonic Thumbs up pose

 Request: OC!

Request: Pink Diamond in crystal armor

 Request: OC!

Request: OC!

 Request: Pearl and Rose in a recreation of that one scene from Princess Mononoke. :)




I adore these, even when I forget to make a request. I've got a fun request for May though so I hope you're ready

Cassidy Quill Waters

Love these; I think you may have forgotten mine, or I'm just blind lol


I did miss it! My absolute bad, Patreon started grouping DMs into Community messages and I fully missed them. Sorry! I'll get on that right away