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Someone on tumblr asked me about whether Steven's control of Jasper was reflected in any way physically in her. I desperately wanted to make a gif to show you all, but it took me literally two full months until I had that time.

Anyway, here it is! I'm finally trying to conquer CSP, which is my number 1 enemy... but I think it didn't turn out half bad!

When Steven gives Jasper a 'command' to follow, her eyes turn grey. It's not a full-body bleach like when WD does it to gems... but there is indeed a physical aspect! So long as she's under 'orders' her eyes would remain colorless. The rest of her, however, isn't affected.

Gonna post this on tumblr as well, but I just figured you guys should see it first. :)




Cool detail!


I know it's technically a reflection of a bad thing happening to her but DAMN if that don't look sick as hell!


How did I miss this eh oh well. So this White’s more direct control when applied to orders. Is this meant to be the same thing as when Rose ordered Pearl not to talk about her being Rose or when Yellow ordered Peridot to shut her mouth, or is it a different more powerful version of the diamond authority (what I call said ordering around power)?


Rose's control is a thing specific to Peals, I believe, not diamonds. And I haven't heard of the theory that Yellow's phrase physically controlled Peridot so much as just scared her silent. So nope, it's unrelated to either of those! It's just a slightly more.... Narrowed down? Version of white's full on control.