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Update: 1 hour to go 👀

Hello one and all!

As the title suggests, november theme will be hot springs!  More details from previous post HERE 

The pose will be the main template with changes depending on character’s build.

Here’s list of characters I want to draw but looking for 6 winners (7th will be Petra Venj as is tradition, probably stubborn).  

Bleach characters were my main inspiration for the theme, but I must sadly exclude theme from the list and give chance to others.  Doesn’t mean I won’t, I still want to draw Halibel/Nel/Yoruichi if I have the time and I adore theme!

Without further ado, no limits per patron so vote away!

 See you in 24 hours!



I NEED Eris to be one of them.


Pharah gang, rise up.

Pharron Fant

Must....see.....Kiriko....in hot spring!


Cant wait for Mommy Mara