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Some Destiny 2 Super variant concepts! It all started after watching Ghost Rider scenes from agents of Shield and Indiana Jones. Then I have to make the rest so that solar whipslasher ain’t lonely.

Solar Hunter: Ghost rider and Indiana Jones, just more yee-haw! Not sure if roaming like Gunslinger or one shot like blade barrage.

Solar Titan: Wanted to draw a giant morning star. Didnt want to draw battleaxe, might be similar as code of the breaker.

Solar Warlock: Simply Flamethrower. Was about to make a nova bomb-like super “super nova” or a bigger, AOE charging blast. imagine nova warp blast but bigger.

Void hunter: teleport where you throw the axe. No invis, just roaming super.

Void Titan: this was difficult without making another Shield-thrower/Hulk slam variant. So chains to bring targets closer for a shoulder charge?

Void Warlock: grim reaper, probably moves by blinking.

Arc Hunter: arc strider variant, nunchuks! Imagine Maxi from Soul Calibur.

Arc Titan: God of Thunder Zeus, throw Javelin/Spear. Roaming ranged super like Sunbreaker.

Arc Warlock: Fast, straightforward attack like lightning. Instead of ranged attack, whole body moves forward like thundercrash and blink combo.

This was a fun concept exercise for me. Want to make it crazy but believable in a world of Destiny. Let me know what you all think!




I literally had the exact same idea for the hunter super, right down to the Indiana Jones/Ghost Rider hybrid. Really cool to see it fleshed out, more concept art would be sick.