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Update: finished inking and flat colors. Preview of alternative arms + kneeling pose combo 👀


Thought I could add Petra for March due to similar templates since announcing last month, oh boy its kicking my butt haha.

Still trying to commit for March but I can’t do something like adding bonuses again due to irl obligations/health. Hopefully I’ll be uploading the main high res versions to my INprnt shop when able.

Who here remembers a time where I have 14-30 images in my high res folders and 7-10 imgs in spicy? 👀





A) your health/IRL stuff always comes first, don't worry about it. B) I too would be on fire, Suntock.


The works you've been making are phenomenal, but *please* don't burn out/make yourself ill for our sake. Even from an economical standpoint we all lose, but far more importantly is you and your health. Kickass artists can only keep being kickass if they're taking care of themselves. If a month drop has to be late because you wanna refine/add in something/follow your creativity- fuck yeah! Have FUN with it dude! I know I wouldn't mind waiting longer for the ambrosia you give us. And if you need to do LESS for better balance- by all means sir!!! Im sure putting less stress on yourself would see those less in number pieces still incredible in quality. Hell, might even go up because you can get more focused on a specific. Either way, do what's best for you Kevin. We'll be here.