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This time, it's Yuuka from Blue Archive.
She's become a bit more honest abd dere that after experiencing the pleasure of lovemaking with you. It seems she's started coming to wake you up every morning...? Enjoy a lovely and sweet morning with Yuuka~.

意図していたわけではないですが、ブルアカのキャラクターを差分投稿に登場させるのは初めてのようです。彼女はブルアカのお気に入りのキャラクターの一人です (ブルアカのキャラクターの大半はお気に入りです笑) 。
It wasn't intentional, but this seems to be the first time I've featured a character from Blue Archive in a diff-illusts post. She's one of my favorite characters in Blue Archive (to be honest, most of them are my favorites lol).

Tthis is expected to be the last main post for this month, and this year. If I have enough time, I might post an original character post on Saturday. I can't say for sure, as work and personal might get busy...

Also, you may have noticed a new tag, [LQ版あり] mean (LQ version available).
Literally I don't have data from the past, and I'm significantly behind schedule. However, I'm gradually attaching LQ versions to past posts, so please check them out.

And although I'd like to properly express my gratitude later, thank you so much for looking at my work this year! To those who supported me a month or every month, thank you so much for your great support.
I started this Patreon in May, and for about 8-months now, I've been able to keep creating thanks to all of you. It feels like a long time ago since I first posted the diff-illusts post for March 7th from Honkai Star Rail, doesn't it?

Next year, I hope to deliver you more lovely and sweet works, so please look forward to it!




Yeah, every character in BA is so lovable. Yuuka is one of the first characters the game introduces to you but today she is still one of my top favourites.