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リクエストありがとうございました! Thank you for request!

I am happy to create her work again.
If you have any request for characters, please let me know in the comments~.

As I've been focusing on behind-the-scenes work and main posts, there's a bit of a backlog for [Bonus]. Next week, there might be something new and multiple [Bonus] posts... Look forward to it!

- 余談
- Digression
Lately, I've been getting significantly less sleep, and my health has often suffered as a result. So, I decided to purchase a new computer case and implement "Production Environment UpgradeIII" on short notice.
After purchasing the computer components for "Production Environment UpgradeIII", announced price drop lol. However, since the order has already been placed, I can't cancel it, so I'm just laughing it off. These things happen, don't they~?




Good to see Kashima back. You should get plenty of sleep and take care of yourself. Health is the most important thing. As request, it would be great if you could try Momo from the anime To Love-Ru. Any outfit you would like, however I wouldn't use her school uniform to avoid any problem with the website....

Nase Fowe

Great work with Kashima! Good chronological coherence in situations as always and it’s nice seeing some パイズリ this time, though I wonder if there any other non-POV positions than 後背位 you could experiment with? Would it be possible to return the order after you receive it and re-order the one on sale lol


That's correct. Lately, I've been getting really engrossed in illust work or I just can't fall asleep, so I'll be careful about that~. And, thank you for your request as well~. I appreciate your consideration regarding the costume. I'll try her!


I would like to try out a few things, but learning process hasn't caught up yet... If new computer component I mentioned have arrived, (and once my health gets better) improvements should come, so please bear with me for a while longer~. By the way, if you (or anyone vewing this comment) have any preferred non POV (or anything) situations you'd like to leave for me, feel free to mention this comment~. I'll make an effort to accommodate your requests. Regarding the computer components, I think I was satisfied with the price and bought it when I made the purchase, so I've decided not to worry too much about it lol. [JP] いくつかの非POV(それ以外でも)シチュエーションを学習してみようと思うので、ご希望のシチュエーションがあれば誰でも書いてみてください~。なるべく実現できるように努力してみます。