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支援金の使用目的 | The purpose of support utilization


- リクエストを募集します!

- コレクション機能が追加

- 達成・目標の項目の削除

- [報告]のタイトルを変更


- 余談1

- 余談2
国内であれば、私のスケジュールが許す限りは現地でボランティア活動をできますが、国外の場合は地理的に不可能です。そのため、少し前にハワイコミュニティファンデーションが運営する「The Maui Strong Fund」に100ドルの寄付をしました(もちろん、自分のお金を使用していますので安心してください~)。この基金はクレジットカードはもちろん、PayPalでも支払いを受け付けています。
もし日本円をで支援したい場合は「マウイ島西部 山火事救援金」があります。この基金はハワイ観光局が運営しており、1,000円から寄付を受け付けています。興味があれば、ぜひウェブサイトをご覧になってみてください。

- 最後に

July 2023 report

Hello~. Thank you as always for your continued support!

▽Activity Status

Also updating this page
支援金の使用目的 | The purpose of support utilization


- Taking Requests!
I'm opening requests for characters! Currently, I'm accepting requests for character and outfit. If you specify situation, depends on my skills, but it might be used as a reference. Feel free to leave your requests in the comments~.
*Please note that requests are not commissions. I may not be able to post all of them due to my technical skills and schedule. If there are too many requests, I might need to do a random selection. Please understanding.

- Collection feature
Patreon has just dropped a shiny new feature!
It looks like they've rolled out a nifty tool for listing creations, and I must say... it's a game changer! No more sifting through a maze of tags. Now, you can spot your illustrations with ease. Big kudos to Patreon for this one. You rock!
I am already gearing up to dive into this awesome addition. Specifically, I am planning to tidy things up on a per-title. But, if you've got any other genius ideas, I am all ears~. Shoot me your feedback and let's make the most of this.
Cheers to convenience~!

- Removed "Updates" and "Targets"
Because the text was becoming overly long and difficult to read, I have decided to remove this section. However, I will continue to make improvements every day, and occasionally provide previews and updates in the "Behind the Scenes" posts~.

- Changing [Report] post title
Due to the aforementioned reasons, the title has been partially modified.


- Just digression 1
Among those who are supporting me, about 80% have chosen the🎈 Plan or the 💗 Plan.
The remaining supporters have chosen the ⭐ Plan, and... There is one big fan who is choosing the 👑 Plan! Thank you so much as always~.
I understand that everyone might experience changes in their financial situation and other circumstances (As I work a part-time job to make ends meet, so I know how it feels). So, whether it's "I'll give a little support this month more than usual!" or "My budget is tight this month~" feel free to change your plan without any hesitation. Of course, I really appreciate substantial support, but please enjoy yourself without putting yourself under too much strain~.

- Just digression 2
In domestic, I can engage in volunteer activities on-site as long as my schedule allows. However, this isn't feasible when it comes to international locations. Therefore, a little while ago, I made a donation of $100 to the "The Maui Strong Fund" operated by Hawaii Community Foundation (Yes, of course, please rest assured that I am using my own money~). This fund accepts PayPal as well as credit cards.
Apart from the United States, wildfires have also occurred in other countries like France, Portugal, Spain, Canada, and more. As someone who has experienced of disasters, my heart goes out to the affected areas. The considerable geographical separation between me and the regions affected by the disaster reinforces my belief in the significance of providing support from a distance.
If you want to use JPY, It's worth mentioning that the "マウイ島西部 山火事救援金" operated by Hawaii Tourism Authority. They accept donations starting from ¥1,000, so if you're interested, why don't you take a look at their website.
Both small and large donations are equally valuable! I am actually supported every month by many supporters of the🎈 Plan or the 💗 Plan, and a select few who supporters of the ⭐ Plan or the 👑 Plan. And, I am supported by each and every one of you.

In the end, the text turned into a lengthy and somewhat hard-to-read passage, I apologize for that lol...
Since being infected with the novel coronavirus, I have been struggling with severe fatigue and have had difficulty returning to my normal state in various aspects. I hope to have a month without any troubles or illnesses and to pass it safely. Let's all stay healthy and get through this month together~.
Thank you for your continued support this month as well!



There was actually a big fire last month in the neighbour city where I am from and it was a disaster. A quick reaction by the fire department and others managed to control it quickly but still the damage to the natural environment was severe. Got to respect those people who risk their lives fighting in these circumstances and those who help economically or in any other way.


I feel sorry to hear about the damage to the natural environment. But I am glad you are safe. Yes, I really think it's just as you say.