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Hey everyone! ❤️

It's been a little quite around me again, and I wanted to give you guys a little explanation/life update, since things have been a little bit tough. Life is kinda hard at the moment and I'm trying to figure out so many things. I haven't talked about this online before, but I am currently trying to move out, into a different city. The whole thing is super complicated for me and I feel so overwhelmed by the whole situation. It's a big personal and financial struggle and I feel like my head is going to explode. xD I believe I always present myself as pretty much put together, when in reality that's not how things are for me right now. I am even struggling at maintaining everything here on Patreon, let alone YouTube. So if I'm behind on some rewards and content, I would be eternally grateful if you guys would be patient with me and not mad when I can't be on schedule with everything. I will try my best to manage to be as on time as possible though! Thank you so much for everything. Your support literally saves me. ♥️


Peter bubb

It's ok life hits us all hard but you take your time we understand get what you need settled and relax for a while we still be here 💕


We are here to support you, not tear you down in your times of struggle, take care of yourself, we will be here