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This picture has 2014 vibes because of the pose, quality and the facts that it is a mirror selfie with flash. Not post-worthy actually, but I still wanted to show you guys since it's the only picture I did as the character from my last video. :3
Also - me wearing pants... a very, very rare sight! As you probably know, I always wear skirts. Never pants. xD It's not my style at all, but that's why I love dressing up. I can try out things I usually wouln't wear, which is a lot of fun.
Btw, I am planning to share more (and better quality) pictures here in the future, that I will only post here and on no other social media! c:
Anyway, I hope you all have a great start into the new week!

Love, Tizu



Chad M Hufman

Looking great Tizi! xD I would love more personal posts! Getting to know someone is always fun!