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Hey guys!

The answer to this poll has been the same every year, so I'm pretty sure you guys still have the same opinion on this, but I still want to do it instead of just publishing the videos. So here it is:

The year is slowly reaching it's end, and christmas is getting very close too! Like the years before, I wanted to make a poll regarding this topic again, since there are new people here and I want to include everyone's votes! So again, for the ones who don't know yet:

Ever since I started with Patreon, some of you repeatedly told me that I should make the extra ASMR videos public at some point, so we discussed the idea to make those videos public at the end of the year.

I made a poll and the majority of you thought it was a good idea, but some didn't like the idea, so I made a compromise and decided, that it would be a fair solution if I publish 3 out of 12 of the extra videos at the end of the year and leave the rest for Patreons only.

As I already said the years before, it would be like a little christmas present and more people would be able to see the videos. At the same time it would still be a benefit for all Patrons, because you don't have to wait for the videos til the end of the year and there would be still 9 videos for Patrons only.

So I wanted to ask you guys if you still like this idea or not, just tell me your thoughts on this! I suggested this the last years because of your requests, so it's totally fine if you don't want it. I just want to be fair and consider everybody's opinion. c:

Thank you so much for reading and I wish all of you a nice day!

Tizu ♥



I support distributing the means of production, so I guess I should also support distributing the means of relaxation. Tingles (and power, but mainly tingles) to the people!


You should consider making more than just 3 of them publicly available. The channel needs content, Tizu.


That's true. Although perhaps giving them all away would be a bit extreme. What do you guys think increasing it to 4 for now? Perhaps that would help Tizu get 39k or even 40k Subscriptions by the end of the year!