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Hey guys, so this is a big update!

As promised, I've created a tier that contains all my comics. This is going to be on a trial basis. Meaning the following:

I've created that tier to give you access to ALL my work. I decided on $15 because frankly, anything under that puts me out of a job. Considering comics are normally $10 each over at A3D and $5 here with my monthly comic tier, that's a fair deal I think.

Subscribers to that tier will get the following: Access to a password-protected database containing all of my comics with the monthly comic added each month. The password will be changed regularly.

I'll still keep my existing Tier 2 (monthly comics) in which I will still publish the monthly comic. So it is entirely possible, should you wish to access all my work, to switch for a month over to the new tier 3 and then back to tier 2.

As I mentioned, this is going to be a trial. As I know many of you understand, I make a living out of this. My comics sales (both here and on Affect3D) are a major part of my income. Piracy has already cut deep into that. If I find that this new system isn't working out - i.e. sales drop too drastically or people abuse it (for example sharing the database link with others), I'll have no choice but to either modify the price of the tiers or cancel Tier 3 entirely. I know that sounds drastic but it's really a matter of making a living and continuing to give you guys quality content, or changing career. I hope you understand.

So, with that said, my new Tier 3 is now active, you can find the link to my database in my latest post by subscribing to tier 3. 

Thanks again for your support!




Gotta earn your bread somehow. Hope this method works out.