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Scene 01 

  • Commander: Now, let’s get something straight. Pause There hasn’t been a healthy male in active service for the past 30 years. So can someone please explain to me how in the holy fuck a male commander sent us a distress signal no less than ten minutes ago? Pause It just doesn’t make sense!
  • Sydney: Maybe he’s not the commander? Pause Perhaps we’re dealing with a science vessel? After all, Mars still has Male colonies.
  • Commander: You would know all about that Lt. Wouldn’t you? Considering your track record.
  • Monique: We received an encoded message Commander. 1040 It repeated for a while but, you and the Lt. were erm… indisposed, it just expired. The voice identified himself as Commander B. McGregor.
  • Commander: McGregor? I’ve heard of that fucker! He was listed as MIA 40 years ago. How far out are we?
  • Sydney: Approximately three hours sir. But I have an idea of what we can do whilst we wait…
  • Commander: I like your thinking Lt. This is what I expect from my subordinates - absolute discipline.


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