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Hi guys, here is this month's miniset featuring the major again! This time though, she's in a mood.

Tier pricing

I am going to be making a little change to my tier prices - for new members only! If you're already subscribed, then as long as you keep your current sub, you're fine :)

I've thought about this a lot. And trust me, I don't enjoy having to increase prices. But piracy, increased living costs and frankly the time it takes to render out these comics and sets mean that I don't really have a choice if I want to continue producing 3DX.

So, the following tiers will increase slightly in price FOR NEW MEMBERS ONLY:

The new Tier 2 - full comics, will go from $5/month to $7. This is still 30% cheaper than the price I sell my comics at over on the Affect3D Store (for a 170-image comic/month) and you will still have access to all of the extra features this tier gives you. The main reason for this increase is because Patreon charges a fee per membership which means I actually earn about $4/comic. This coupled with taxes, makes my net earning around $1 per comic... which is basically giving it away for free.

The new Tier 3 - All my work, will go from $15 to $25. To explain here: essentially, when I created this tier, I was testing the waters. I didn't want to scare people off by making it too high. However, I have noticed a negative impact on my comic sales that can directly be linked to this. There is also the fact that, as time goes by, you get access to more and more content as I create more and more comics, I simply can't afford to keep this at $15. For those that have been around a while, you may recall I originally wanted to make it a one-time $99 fee. Unfortunately, that's just not feasible. Again, this tier is meant to be a one-time payment that you make to get up to date on my work and then switch to tier 2.


Tier 1 stays the same.

Thanks for your support as always guys, I hope you stick with me. I have plenty more juicy comics in store if you do!




Completely understandable to increase prices but totally respectable to not increase prices on existing members. I hope more people subscribe to you. Your work is fantastic and I want to see you be successful.