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Man into Male Pelican Transformation Story | Unwilling | NSFW | 3rd PoV

Ron was tired of walking for most of the day. It was windy, but sunny – Truly a perfect combination for a day at the beach. Ron lied down and sighed. He quickly fell asleep, listening to the waves crashing against the sand.

The man woke up when he felt something wet and slippery smear against his bare feet. “Wh-what?!” – Ron gasped as he opened his eyes and saw a strange sight. A small fish was hopelessly jumping on the sand next to him.

Ron leaned over and opened his mouth in confusion. What was the animal doing here, out of water. Fish were simple creatures, but what kind of fish jumps out of water willingly – He thought to himself.

Just then the fish slammed its tail against the moist sand so hard that it flew very high. Ron’s eyes widened and before he had a chance to do anything in particular, the fish landed in his mouth.

“Ghl-khr! Ghllll-kkkhhl-khmh!” – Ron started coughing and freaking out, but it was too late. The fish which was still alive slipped deeper into his throat and travelled all the way to Ron’s stomach, still wriggling madly.

Ron jumped onto his legs and started hitting his back with fists. “Fuuck! Get-out, get-out! Oh God… What the fuck just happened?!” – The man whined as his heart continued to hammer inside his chest in panic. The man slowly realised that there was no way that he would throw up the fish.

The man calmed down as he felt the bizarre movement inside of him come to a halt. Ron didn’t know what to do, he just stood there – Considering his choices. Was there really a point of going to a hospital by now? He didn’t feel any discomfort by now. He just hoped that the fishbones would dissolve thanks to his stomach acids, otherwise they would be problematic…

Ron sighed and was about to sit down, but then he felt a cramp in his tailbone. The man instinctively bent over and lowered his swimming shorts a bit to feel the cause of the problem. There was a bump forming above his ass. A bump of taut flesh stretched against his thickening and elongating tailbone.

“What the fuck?! What on Earth is happening here. First the f-fish now m-my- Arghhhh…!” – Ron questioned the strange occurrences until he got interrupted by a painful throbbing inside his entire spine. The man splayed out his legs and bent over slowly as his vertebrae started popping and rearranging his stance permanently.

“Oh God... What’s happening to m-meeee-ah!?” – The man groaned in pain as the base of his neck suddenly tilted upwards, which allowed another wave of changes to torment the man. Ron’s eyes widened in fear as he realised that his head was drifting further from his torso – His neck was elongating, painfully stretching and growing additional vertebrae and muscles for support.

Ron flailed his hands in panic as he tried to reach his head and grab it for support, as his head was too big for the relatively thin neck to hold. Not for long however as a massive headache forced the man to throw his head up in deaf agony.

Ron spasmed as his bastion of humanity started tightening around his very brain. The man’s skull was shrinking and so was everything on Ron’s head it seemed. The man gurgled in discomfort as his ears began to melt and sink back into his head, leaving only earholes where they used to be.

The man tried to scream for help, but his vocal chords have dissolved inside of his eccentric neck by now. “Sch-hrreeeeeehkrlp-mhreeeerhk...!” – Ron tried to plead, but as if to make matters worse his facial movements only triggered more changes. Ron shook his head in disgust as he felt his teeth loosen in their sockets, until they began to fall out completely. Ron opened his mouth while staring wide eyed at the sand below him – His gums emptied completely as all of his teeth landed on the sand below.

The man’s hair fell out, not just from his head, but from all regions of his body until he was completely hairless. Ron felt a strange and terrifying grinding of his jaw bones. His gums were receding and making space for bone tissue which began to fill his mouth and slowly push out into a sharp beak, which forced the man’s lips to peel back.

Ron staggered like a drunkard, utterly horrified, completely confused and enduring strangest pain of his life as he continued to morph into an avian form. Ron’s limbs were forcefully locked into new positions as his shoulder blades shrank and got forcefully tugged closer towards his chest.

The man prayed that nobody watched his mortifying metamorphosis, but the gasps and screams in the distance proven him otherwise. To Ron’s horror his entire body started to throb, it began to contract and besides changing shapes it also started to shrink considerably. Soon the only clothing that Ron had on him fell down to his ankles as his legs became too small to hold it.

Ron raised his rear in the air as his hips began to widen. His buttocks were flattening and diminishing, leaving his anus exposed underneath his fatty, conical tail. Ron hissed in shame as he felt his avian tail wiggle sideways.

Ron groaned and moaned as his organs continued to morph into strange configuration inside of him, completely different from that of humans. Ron felt his chest shrink and a part of his spine between the ribcage and his hips began to shorten.

What horrified Ron the most however was the stiff, cool protrusion pushing out of his mouth without remorse. Ron’s tongue made wet smacking sounds against it in a futile effort to stop the growth. Instead the beak started growing keratin all over itself which changed its colour to pink.

The flat beak grew long and the longer it grew the more skin began to sag down from its lower parts. Ron felt a fleshy sack form underneath his developing beak. In fact the sack connected itself to Ron’s upper neck to work better with the rest of his digestive tract.

In the meantime Ron felt his cock rapidly fill with blood and get painfully erect, a pressure began to cumulate in his balls too. Ron have let out an avian screech as his balls squeezed hard and forced his cock to shoot out several thick loads of cum onto the sand. Ron flapped his arms in a strange manner as they began to crunch.

Ron gasped in horror as he noticed that his arms were thinning inhumanely. They were also bending into new alignment, unable to move like they used to prior. The bones hollowed out too, just like they did in the rest of Ron’s skeleton. Worst of all Ron stared as most of his fingers began to retreat back into his hands, leaving only pointy growths that looked like featherless chicken’s wings.

Ron crouched down with his avian ass still in the air as he felt his legs begin to bend painfully. His lower legs became stilt-shaped, devoid of any fat. Ron’s feet started elongating and his toes began to roll forward into avian digits with webbing forming between them. Ron’s little toes popped painfully as they moved back to make perching possible for him. Wet, black scales started to form all over Ron’s lower legs.

The man fought hard not to fall over as his legs bent in such ways that they were way shorter than previously. Ron craned down his long neck and looked underneath himself, trembling while at it. He shuddered each time his stiff cock shrank in spurts.

The testicles were slowly pulling deeper into Ron’s inner body, the scrotum lost its wrinkles, but became strangely sensitive. As Ron’s cock became pea-sized it slowly got hauled into a forming genital slit, which began to merge with whatever was left of Ron’s sack.

Ron’s heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the gaping, yet tightening hole where his cock used to be. Just then a tugging sensation made Ron screech in avian fashion at the top of his lungs. His cock-slit was slowly moving closer towards the tip of his tail, towards his anus.

Ron barely comprehended what was going on and as he realised the sense of it, it was too late. His genital slit and his anus started sinking deeper as a tight right of sensitive flesh formed around them. It tightened and formed what could only be described as dual purpose cloaca that continued to drip juices from the stimulation of the changes. Ron shivered as his throbbing vent insisted him to extinguish the fire in it.

The bird-man was eager to succumb to the lust and ignore the rest of the changes, but they were faster and more efficient. Ron squawked in annoyance as his body began to itch unbearably. Thousands of needles began to push through his skin and develop into mainly white feathers.

In the meantime an even more unpleasant sensation wrecked the man’s head as it entered its last phase of changes. Ron shook his head madly as his beak painfully grew to its complete size, the sack underneath it weighed it down somewhat. Ron’s upper head flattened more and his eyes were forced to migrate to the sides of his avian head, where they turned smaller and darker.

Ron took a few uncertain steps forward as his body shrank some more and the last bare patches of skin grew feathers. The area around his eyes turned scaly and yellow. Ron’s transformation into an Australian pelican was finished.

Only now did Ron enjoy how full his stomach felt and yet, he craved more. The bird-turned man shrieked and hopped towards the sea. When he got close enough he jumped and with strong flaps of wing he made it into the air and started flying, looking for more food to sate his new body.


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